Saturday, August 4, 2012

So much going on!

I'm so sorry for running behind nearly two weeks! You would not believe how busy we've been with the move, and most recently, the aftermath of our basement flooding FIVE DAYS after we moved in. Yup, completely flooded four times and counting. Still trying to determine a cause, but needless to say we have been very stressed these past two weeks. Can't seem to catch a break. First it was the loan getting pushed back, and now our basement is ruined and we're out a LOT of money.

Anyway, on to baby related topics.

Number one: my prenatal vitamins caused me to get sick three days in a row. I didn't switch brands or open a new bottle. I didn't even change the time I take them. My body has randomly decided to reject them. I panicked after the third day and called my doc - she said to just take Flinstone vitamins for a few weeks. I used to LOVE those things. Now? Not so much. They're very tart, gritty and metallic-y. Still, at least I can keep them down!

Number two: extreme low back pain has become a fairly aggravating symptom. I have experienced it every day for the past three weeks, and am told it will only get worse. I do take Tylenol when necessary and am using IcyHot patches. This seems to do the trick, as does a good night's rest. I'm trying not to sleep on my back anymore since it only exacerbates the problem. My co-worker suggested a pregnancy body pillow, which I do plan on investing in once we know the final costs of having the house repaired.

Number three: pregnancy heartburn really is worse than regular heartburn! I figured since I already had heartburn issues before pregnancy they'd just remain constant. Not so. When it strikes it HURTS. I still take Prevacid every day and when it gets bad I just pop in a cooling Zantac and it usually helps. Sometimes it just feels like chest pain and pressure for an hour or so and I just have to drink cold water and wait for it to pass. This happened on occasion pre-pregnancy, but I suppose I should bring it up at my next appointment on Monday.

Number four: I'm starting to really research cars seats, strollers, and baby furniture. I have narrowed my choices down, but am still seeking some advice. For the car seat I really like the Maxi Cosi Mico. As far as strollers go I looked into a Phil and Ted's Classic after seeing a review from another blogger. It's awesome because you can add a second "seat" to tote more than one child, should we decide to have another baby. It would most definitely save a lot of money down the road. Any moms have advice for me about either of those or your favorite products? Let me know! There's so much information out there and it's hard to sift through it all since every brand promotes how THEY'RE the best.

Okay...weekly photos. I suppose since I'm two weeks behind you'll get two photos today!

Sorry for Instagram. The lighting was so bad you couldn't read the board.

How far along: 15 weeks
Trimester: Second
Total weight gain/loss: As far as I know still down nine pounds. Will find out more on Monday.
Maternity clothes: I probably need some but haven't bought any.
Sleep: Still good, unless I'm on my back. Then it's painful.
Stretch marks: No new ones - I did buy some Save My Skin stretch mark oil through Pure Romance. 
Best moment of the week: Feeling baby move for the first time yesterday.
Miss anything: Being a renter. Haha.
Movement: Little flutters yesterday!
Food Cravings: Yes. This week it was Subway.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not so bad anymore. Mostly feel bad in the mornings. 
Other symptoms: Back pain and heartburn.
Have you started to show yet: Yes.
Gender: Won't know til delivery.
Labor Signs: None.
Belly button in or out: In.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Moody or not moody?: Not moody. Just very irritable due to the stress of our house.  
Looking forward to: Getting our plumbing and basement fixed. And my next appointment Monday.

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