Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Stretch marks, sneezes, and smells

Stretch marks: I made the mistake of checking out my bum in really good lighting in a mirror...which did nothing but show me how much worse my stretch marks are than I initially thought. I haven't gained any weight - I'm still down ten pounds, in fact - but my hips are noticeably wider which is why I ONLY have stretch marks on my bum. Still using my stretch mark oil, probably 4-5 times per week, sometimes more than that if I take two showers in a day. I suppose I should just get used to them!

Sneezing: I sneeze like CRAZY now! And by now I mean for the past three months or so. These are no longer dainty little lady-like sneezes. I'm talking LOUD, bellowing, and powerful . I don't even attempt to mask the roaring monstrosities that are my sneezes anymore. 

Smells: EVERYTHING has a smell! Even if I'm not near it, or someone is describing something to me I can vividly imagine a smell. The worst smell is when you walk into someone's house and you can tell (before you're even near the kitchen) that it's about time for them to take out the trash and Febreeze everything. (Yup, Febreeze is a verb now. Much like Swiffer.) Sometimes this new heightened level of smell is a good thing - like at a bakery, or restaurant. But  usually it's not so great. Like in a public bathroom.

Consignment: I am in need of new clothes and baby furniture. I think we are going to try the consignment route first, to try and save money. Anyone have any consignment store recommendations for clothes and for furniture?

Big topic for the week: BABY REGISTRY!
I am absolutely clueless when it comes to this. There is so much STUFF to sift through. Based on a FB poll I posted about two hours ago the things I'll need most are a Boppy, a swing, lots of burp cloths and onesies (possibly cloth diapers since they absorb better), a rocking chair, pack n' play, and Dreft. I'm still left with a lot of questions, though. Like, is it appropriate to register for anything and everything regardless of price? How many places should I register? Is it inappropriate to register for a breast pump and accessories? I'm sure I'll have even more questions once we actually step foot inside of one of those huge baby superstores. We're probably not going to register until September, but if you have answers for me, tell me!

Week 18 photo:

How far along: 18 weeks
Trimester: Second
Total weight gain/loss: Down ten pounds.
Maternity clothes: Bought two dresses at Goodwill and my co-workers gave me some of their old stuff!
Sleep: Hmmm. Sleep is okay. Not like it was first trimester but I really can't complain.
Stretch marks: Yeeeeah. See above.
Best moment of the week: All day Sunday - just had a nice time with my husband.
Miss anything: Nope!
Movement: YES! A lot!
Food Cravings: Spring rolls and egg rolls. And candy!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just random bad smells.
Other symptoms: Back pain and heartburn as usual.
Have you started to show yet: Yes.
Gender: Won't know til delivery.
Labor Signs: None.
Belly button in or out: In.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Moody or not moody?: I think I'm better this week.  
Looking forward to: Taylor coming home from Mobile - he started traveling again this week.

1 comment:

  1. I found several tops at GoodWill too. I looked at Kid to Kid in Buford near Mall of GA, but didn't find anything that fit me right, but you may. For "new" clothes my mom and I hit up JC Penny at Mall of GA and their items were reasonably priced as well. We registered at Target and Babies R Us....I realize there isn't a Babies R Us near every one who would like to get us something. Definitely register for what you want whether it's expensive or cheap. If you don't end up getting the more expensive items, but end up with things you don't like you could always take them back and use in-store credit for something you actually wanted.
