Saturday, May 31, 2014

Busy bears part one: April

April and May are traditionally very busy months for us. Sort of. I guess the last week of April and the first two weeks of May are very busy. In a two week span we celebrate our anniversary, my birthday, and Mother's Day. Lots of fun!! I have so many events and photos to share but it'll have to be done in two separate posts. Enjoy part one below!

Firstly, she turned 15 months old on April 14, 2014. Big girl!!

Also, those measurements are incorrect. I hastily measured her height at home that day and was going based on her weight at a sick visit a few weeks prior. (But she IS practically perfect in every way, y'all.) We had her 15 month checkup about 3.5 weeks later. She's actually 22 pounds (25th percentile) and 32.5 inches long (98th percentile)!
Here she is waiting patiently at the pediatrician's office:

On April 12 I took her to have professional spring photos taken at a place called 3N1 Studio in Cumming. It's a gorgeous setting for photos! Since Easter was only a week away they had baby chicks and ducks on site for the kids to hold in their photos. I'll only post a couple here, but they all turned out beautifully. I mean, just look. PERFECTION.

Not professional. Still like it, though! :)

We spent Easter weekend at Taylor's mom's house. All of Harper's aunts, uncles, and cousins came to participate in an Easter egg hunt. My dad came, too. It was so fun!! And the food, as usual, was incredible. We Roberts' know how to cook and entertain. Here's a few snapshots of our weekend:

 Piano lessons with grandmother.

Harper experienced her first Braves game with me, Taylor, and my dad on April 27th. It was quite an adventure! She's at the age where all she wants to do is run around and explore. . . and not sit still. Every couple of innings we would trade off on "Harper duty." She loved running up and down the ramps during the game and the best part was that it was pretty much empty AND shaded. Yay for easy baby duty! At one point Taylor took her on a walk and she spotted a stuffed pink monkey that she apparently HAD to have. Her stuffed animal collection is growing and I have a feeling it will probably get out of control the older she gets. She skipped her nap that day but did surprisingly well.

The Braves staff give out "first game" certificates to kids. So cute!

Taylor was traveling on our anniversary this year (April 29th) but he did manage to send me a bouquet of flowers while I was at work! These beauties were in bloom for nearly two weeks - lucky me. 

Traditionally, the third wedding anniversary gift is supposed to be leather. We actually bought an entire new leather living room set in mid-March, complete with a 60" TV. It wasn't delivered until our anniversary on April 29th. Couldn't ask for a more perfect (and much needed) gift to share! The same day the couches came in I realized Harper is too short to climb on our new furniture. After about an hour (or so) of hearing her whine after each failed attempt I noticed how quiet she had become. I glanced over and saw her move one of her stacking blocks in front of the couch, step on it, and successfully pull herself up. Smart girl! While a normal parent would have probably prevented her from getting that far I watched in awe and snapped photos and laughed hysterically to myself. Mom of the year.

And that's it for part one of our busy spring. I'm working on post number two which should be finished tomorrow evening. (Though, if you follow me on FB or Instagram this is kind of like a giant recap of the past two months.)