Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Krispy Kreme

I titled this blog post Krispy Kreme because I found out our new house is about three miles away from a Krispy Kreme location. And that means I have found a great way to gain back those ten pounds I lost! Hahaha.

I can honestly say that this is the first week I've actually felt pregnant. Weird thing to say seventeen weeks in, right? Up until now I fit into my work scrubs just fine. Suddenly, my pants are tighter and my shirts are more snug. Also, I've traded nausea for heartburn (mostly...). And my boobs! They're existent now! I've even gone up a cup size...first bra size change since middle school. Sorry, but for girls like me in the IBTC this is a big deal. Earlier today Taylor commented that I'm looking round. Not in a rude way though, don't worry. And to top it all off the cashier at Trader Joe's tentatively asked if I'm expecting.

Yesterday we were talking about the day I took a pregnancy test and how shocked we were. It was no secret that we had been trying and that I had been taking Clomid to assist with ovulation. So, you ask, why were you so surprised since you were making such an effort? I probably ought to give you a bit of the background story. While taking Clomid you're required to use an OPK, or ovulation predictor kit. There's a rigid schedule to follow and I was supposed to go in for lab work 5-7 days after I saw a positive result that indicates I've ovulated. The purpose of the lab work is to determine if I really did ovulate or to see if it's a false positive. Unfortunately, that month the lab work came back and showed that I did not ovulate - I had received a false positive on the test. (Oh hey, I also forgot to mention that the side effects are some SERIOUS hot flashes and some SERIOUS mood swings. You should have heard me on the phone with my mom after I got that phone call.) Anyway, per doctor's orders I was to take a pregnancy test if I did not start my cycle by day 35, just in case. I knew the drill - call the doc no matter what result I got, which we all assumed would be negative. On day 36 Taylor and I went to a memorial gathering for a friend of his that had passed away and I had QUITE a lot to drink that day. (Yeah, the one time in MONTHS that I decide to throw my inhibitions to the wind I wind up with a positive pregnancy test.) On the way home I reminded him that I *had* to buy a pregnancy test and take it that day. I truly was not expecting a positive result since the doctor advised me that ovulation hadn't happened. I grudgingly went upstairs to take it...I say grudgingly because there's no bigger letdown than to see a negative pregnancy test while you're diligently trying to get pregnant. I don't even think I looked down at the darn thing the first few minutes. But when I did I saw TWO lines pop up. Heart racing, I grabbed the box and shakily pulled out the instructions. Once I realized those two lines meant positive I ran downstairs and showed Taylor. I think we were both in disbelief because we didn't really say much about it the rest of the night. I took the second test in the morning (positive), called the doctor, and she asked me to come in THAT day. I was trying not to let myself get too excited because I thought this would be a false positive. But nope! Taylor went with me to the doctor and they confirmed that it was real! Pretty awesome news! And here I am...seventeen weeks along and just now really feeling pregnant.

Over the weekend my mother-in-law came to stay with us because we had tickets to see Il Divo at Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. It. Was. AMAZING!! We had been anticipating this concert since it was announced last November. Well worth the wait! Catherine, one of my sisters-in-law, came with us. It was a great time! Here's a photo of us before we left:

Instagram is our friend.

Also, I was able to locate the stroller I want in the color I want on Ebay for $105 cheaper than buying it from Babies R Us or from the manufacturer's site directly. The brand is Phil and Teds and the model is the Explorer. I am trying to convince Taylor to let me buy it, so wish me good luck! Here's a photo!

And just for the heck of it, here's the car seat in the color I want. It's a Maxi Cosi Mico and the color is steel grey. Pretty sure that will definitely be added to the registry. 

Weekly photo!

How far along: 17 weeks
Trimester: Second
Total weight gain/loss: Down ten pounds.
Maternity clothes: Still haven't bought any, but mom told me she wants to buy me some!
Sleep: Actually sleep hasn't been great lately. I will likely be investing in a maternity pillow in the next week or so.
Stretch marks: Nothing new, but using my stretch mark oil all over just to be cautious!
Best moment of the week: Uhhh getting to see Il Divo live!!
Miss anything: Nothing jumps out at me right now.
Movement: I don't notice it *all* the time, but when I do it's cool!
Food Cravings: This week, surprisingly, I have been craving candy.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still having an issue with gagging every time I see a toilet. No idea what my aversion to toilets is all about lately. 
Other symptoms: Nothing notable, besides occasional back pain.
Have you started to show yet: Yes.
Gender: Won't know til delivery.
Labor Signs: None.
Belly button in or out: In.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Moody or not moody?: Yeah, moody swing city for sure. 
Looking forward to: Buying more baby items!

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