Sunday, July 1, 2012

Show and tell


I am happy to report that I got Zofran (finally!) and I am feeling SO much better. There are some days when I don't even need to take any medication. I haven't been sick for ten days and counting...that's not to say I haven't felt sick, I just haven't actually spent any extra time in the bathroom, really. Okay, enough about that. 

On Father's Day we told my dad. I wasn't quite sure how to do it. He wanted to go to Steak N' Shake for after we ordered our meals I kind of just blurted it out. He was pretty excited and bummed when we asked him not to say anything until we're able to tell the rest of our families. 
That same evening we went for a grill-out at Taylor's brother's Josef's house. Josef and his wife Kim are also expecting a little one; their fourth baby. She's about 6ish weeks ahead of me. We bought an awesome onesie with giraffes that said "I'm going to be a big cousin." Unfortunately it did not get here in time so all I had was a photo on my phone to show them. And they were so excited!! Taylor's dad and Deborah were also there so we had Ellie, Josef and Kim's oldest daughter, tell them. 


Last weekend my grandmother came in town to see my sister's play at college, The Great American Trailer Park Musical. It was hysterical. After the show we all went out for dinner. I gave my sister a mug that said something about how aunts are special. Then my dad showed the mug to my grandmother. I think it took her a good five solid minutes to understand why I gave her a mug that said "aunt" on it. It was so funny when she finally understood! It was unfortunate that no one caught it on film.

Wednesday is Taylor's birthday so the whole family is going to his mom's for a celebration. That's when we'll tell her and Matthew and Catherine. In June we told his mom we "forgot" her mother's day gift. It's going to be another photo frame, like we gave to my mom. I'll post photos of it once we finish.

Okay, as promised: weekly bump photo, finally! I'm working on getting a cute chalk board for future photos.
11 weeks exactly!

How far along: 11 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Haven't been back to the doc since my last post, so still down 5 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Haven't bought any yet.
Sleep: Sleeping constantly. Yesterday I think I was only awake about 8 hours.
Stretch marks: No new ones.
Best moment of the week: Husband bought me dill pickle chips. I'm sure there are other highlights but right now that's sticking out in my mind.
Miss anything: Actually, no.
Movement: Not yet.
Food Craving: I get random, fleeting cravings. If I'm lucky I can indulge - like a sub from Subway or a  Hershey's chocolate bar, for example.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still a lot of things, most notably the hallway on the first floor of our office building. I'm also avoiding a lot of meat and looking at the meat dept. at the grocery store. Yuck.
Have you started to show yet: Yes, You can definitely see a bulge in certain clothing.
Gender: Won't know til delivery.
Labor Signs: None.
Belly button in or out: In.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or Moody?: Guilty of being moody - a lot. 
Looking forward to: Telling the remainder of family so we can tell everyone else!

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