Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Second prenatal visit

Yesterday we had our second prenatal appointment. I'm so lucky to have a husband who wants to come and sit around with me at these appointments. Because that's what we do even when we're early. Sit around. and WAIT.
Turns out so far I've lost five lbs and my blood pressure was 110/60. I mean, I guess puking one to three times per day would explain the weight loss, but that's low as far as my blood pressure goes! There didn't seem to be any concern about that though. 
We also go to see Baby Bear again! The doctor told us she wanted to make sure we knew everything was okay before we left, since it's too soon to hear his or her heartbeat.

Looks more like a baby now!

How am I feeling, you ask? Still feel queasy ALL the time. Still not able to get Zofran until Thursday. Phenergan can only do so much. Apparently such strong symptoms are a good sign though. Hooray for small, strange victories. Also, I've been advised to eat what I can tolerate regardless of nutritional content. I don't like going out to dinner because I've discovered I can't eat a whole meal. I take less than ten bites and I'm done. 

So, like I mentioned I'll share how we told my mom. We found a three-photo picture frame at Ingles and put an ultrasound in one frame, a photo of my positive pregnancy test in another, and a hand-written note with the due date in the third. We presented it to her as a belated Mother's Day gift. She was a little confused at first because once she unwrapped it the first visible photo was of the pregnancy test. And then she was REALLY excited! Now I have someone to discuss my nausea with! Haha.

Cute, right?

How far along: 9 weeks, 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: Lost five lbs.
Maternity clothes: Still haven't bought any. Bought a new dress though!
Sleep: No issues with sleep.
Stretch marks: No new ones.
Best moment of the week: When I indulged my first craving - hot and sour soup!
Miss anything: I still miss not feeling sick constantly.
Movement: Not yet.
Food Craving: Just hot and sour soup once.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I'm repeating last week's answer: A better question would be "what isn't making you feel queasy or sick?"
Have you started to show yet: My abdomen looks bloated.
Gender: Won't know til delivery.
Labor Signs: None.
Belly button in or out: In.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or Moody?: Ummm let's go with moody
Looking forward to: Telling some other family members this week.

Next post I will discuss how we told my dad, Taylor's dad, Kim and Josef. Oh, and I'll try and post a photo of myself if I remember.

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