Thursday, June 14, 2012

It's official!

Yes, it's official! I'm pregnant! It feels so strange to say (type) that. We haven't told anyone yet, besides my mom, and probably won't for a while. I'm a little superstitious. (It's a pet peeve of mine to see women announce their pregnancies before they finish their first trimester. Just saying.)

The estimated due date is 01/20/2013.

So, I've only taken one photo of my "progress" so far. Honestly, I keep forgetting to ask my husband to do it each week...and I don't have a cute chalkboard yet.
Buuuuut here's my only photo so far. Sorry I don't look cuter. I'll try harder next time.

6 weeks

On June 18 we got to see Baby Bear for the first time!

Taken at 7 wks 1 day. Hi!

So, I am already feeling (and getting) pretty sick. All. The. TIME. I have to take progesterone orally 2x/day for at least the first trimester. I started that the day after my first appointment, and I must say I think it's contributing to the "sick" factor. Last Wednesday I asked for an anti-nausea prescription and my doc gave me Zofran. Great stuff.  What I like to call it is a lifesaver. That is, until I ran out in six days and discovered that my insurance plan only allows ten pills every fifteen days. Meaning I can't get my next refill until NEXT Thursday. For the past three days I've been working with my doctor's nurse to get a pill quantity override through the insurance company. Being that I work in health insurance (appeals) it was like pulling teeth to get to the correct department to have a form faxed to my doctor. Still waiting to hear something about that and my stomach is none too pleased. In the meantime have promethazine, and it works, but it causes me to become seriously drowsy. I've taken it two nights in a row now and have been in bed by 8 P. M. Not a great drug to take while at work. So please pray that we can get this pill quantity thing overridden! 

Through my hours spent on Pinterest I discovered a blog another pregnant woman wrote. She had a cute way to track her feelings/progress each week so I'm going to use that as a template and maybe add some of my own musings if I can come up with some.

How far along: 8 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure yet. My one and only appointment so far was when I was 5 weeks 1 day.
Maternity clothes: Well, I can't fit into my jeans or shorts. Aside from my scrubs at work I've been wearing dresses, skirts and yoga pants.
Sleep: Sleep is great, especially after taking promethazine. 
Stretch marks: Believe it or not, ONE little one on my right hip! Had to get Taylor to confirm it.
Best moment of the week: Any moment not spent feeling sick.
Miss anything: Eating normally without fear of yakking it up later.
Movement: Too soon to feel anything.
Food Craving: None. Absolutely NONE.
Anything making you queasy or sick: A better question would be "what isn't making you feel queasy or sick?"
Have you started to show yet: I think so, but it could all be in my head. I just look bloated, like I ate a really big meal.
Gender: Won't know til delivery.
Labor Signs: None.
Belly button in or out: In.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: This week I am noticing how moody I actually am. Poor husband.
Looking forward to: Our second appointment on Monday.

On my next posting I'll have some news from the doc, an update on my rx (because I know you're curious), another photo, and I'll share how we told my mom.

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