Thursday, November 22, 2012


Last Friday we met with the perinatologist at Northside in Sandy Springs, where I'll deliver. Unfortunately, Taylor wasn't able to come so I invited my mom to come along. I was bummed, but I was also a little terrified to go alone. I thought the visit would just be a medication consult - nothing more than a question and answer session and then I'd walk out with a prescription in hand. Doesn't sound scary, right? Sounds like something a normal, adult, 25 year-old woman should be able to do alone. Hahaha, nope. Turns out I'm a stage four clinger and not as independent as I'd like to think. So I brought my mom with me! They actually wanted to take full measurements and scans of baby bear via ultrasound. The room was warm, dimly lit, spacious, you get your own TV screen to see it on, and they even warmed up the bottle of ultrasound gel! Way nicer than the ultrasound room at my regular OB's office, which is small, cold, and they don't warm anything up plus you have to look on a tiny screen to see the baby. So, mom got to be present for an ultrasound and she got to hear his or her heartbeat for the first time. (There may or may not have been tears of joy.)
The doctor came in and said baby bear weighs three pounds five ounces right now and is right below 50th percentile (I never know what that means.) So, this is good! Not too big but not too small. I have started taking 2.5 mg of Glyburide two times per day. All of my glucose levels have been below 90 for the first time in weeks. The only concern right now is that if my blood sugar drops below 60 I'll need to start taking 1/2 a pill at a time instead of a whole pill. (It happened briefly yesterday while I was grocery shopping - had to cut it short and buy a soda and candy bar immediately. By the time I got to the car to check my glucose level it was 116, so I'm not sure how low it actually went.) I'll go in for a follow-up on December 11th.
I had my regular OB appointment on Monday. Because I'm taking medication for gestational DM they will start seeing me two times per week for a non-stress test and an ultrasound once I get to 34 weeks - the second week in December.

On Facebook I "liked" a baby/kid's consignment store a while back called Baby N' Kids Gear. It's located near the Mall of GA. Every few days they post photos of brand new, never used items they've received. Yesterday I happened to log on and see they they had just posted a brand new, out-of-the-box, already assembled Phil and Ted's Explorer stroller for about 60% off of retail price - so, pretty much a STEAL. I called them and had them put it on hold for me immediately. The owner of the store told me they'd gotten dozens of phone calls about it and it had been posted for less than an hour. I met up with my mom after work and we drove over and she bought it for us! I had been talking about this dang stroller for probably the past four or five months but decided it was waaaay too expensive brand new - even on Ebay where they were maybe $50 - $100 cheaper. (We had actually registered for the lowest model Phil & Ted's makes, the Classic - this one was still cheaper by $100 than the Classic and it's a higher-end model!)  I really lucked out on this one and I am so excited about it. Thanks, mom! All I've got to do is buy the car seat adapter bar, which is only about $30 and it will be complete! Also, the seat cushion can be swapped out for any color we want - right now it's navy, but should we choose to go with a different color it's kind of cool to be able to do that. (Check out the Explorer online here.)
If you look closely you can see sweet Heyward hanging out in the stroller in each photo. He's so curious!

The other two pieces of furniture have arrived and are waiting to be assembled. I think we're going to try and knock that out during this long holiday break.
I'm also planning on ordering the baby's mattress, crib bedding, mobile, and possibly car seat online either Black Friday or Cyber Monday. Also pretty exciting! Once we get that in I can pick out a changing pad cover and diaper stacker to match the decor and bedding. For now we've decided to forego curtains, which will save us a bit of money.

Baby mobile - adorable!

Today is Thanksgiving and I am so thankful for everything I have and everyone I know.
I am thankful for:
-the best family (immediate and in-laws)
-my wonderful marriage
-baby bear and his/her good health so far
-my good health
-modern medicine
-our first home together
-the ability to be able to provide for my family and baby
-having found and joined a good church with the hubs this year
-my job and my husband's job
-all of my great friends
-everything we've already been blessed with and have in our lives already

How far along: 31 weeks
Trimester: Third
Pre-pregnancy weight: 141 pounds
Current weight: 137.8 pounds
Maternity clothes: Yes. I can barely fit into my pre-pregnancy shirts now.
Stretch marks: I asked Taylor if he saw any new ones and he says no.
Best moment of the week: Lots - getting the stroller, making delicious food for Thanksgiving, and receiving the rest of the furniture.
Movement: Constant.
Food Cravings: I know I've had some this week, but I can't remember right now. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not yet.
Miss anything? Not really.
Other symptoms: Heartburn if I don't take Prevacid at the same time every day, my legs feel like they're falling asleep/really tired if I stand for too long, slight swelling of feet/ankles at the end of the day, leg cramp (again), pressure and pain below the abdomen, and having to urinate freqently.  
Have you started to show yet? Yes.
Sex: It will be a surprise.
Labor Signs: None.
Belly button in or out? Outie. 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Moody or not moody? Happy. 
Looking forward to: Spending time with family during the long break, and ordering more baby stuff soon.

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