Thursday, November 15, 2012

Big brother Heyward

The most eventful thing that happened this week was the assembly of the baby's crib. It took about 24 hours because we took frequent, long breaks. If you've ever assembled furniture with your spouse then you understand. But, alas, it is complete and our marriage remains intact! The only ongoing problem is the drawer on the bottom. It is temperamental and we're going to have to invest in some wood glue to keep it from falling apart every time we need to use it. No big deal though.

On Sunday we ordered the other two pieces for the baby's room - a changer/dresser combo and the tall book case. They shipped on Tuesday and should be here next week. We still need to do a lot in the nursery though:
1.) Order the baby bedding.
2.) Buy a rug. (Giraffe print, of course. Nope. Not kidding.)
3.) Order the canvas print photography.
4.) Buy wooden initials for a monogram (yes, the names are picked out and we're going to buy letters for both a boy name and a girl name.)
5.) Pick out and purchase a rocking chair.
I'm sure I'm leaving some things off, but I feel that those are the most important items to complete before the due date.

Tomorrow is my initial perinatal appointment. I was reading over the paperwork I'm supposed to bring in and it asks normal questions like my race, family medical history, genetic testing questions, etc. And then there was this one: "Are you and the baby's father cousins or related in any way?" I know it's supposed to be a serious question having to do with genetics. But it just struck me as hilarious and gross at the same time. And no. WE ARE NOT RELATED. Just so everyone knows.
I'm sure the appointment will be fine, but I really don't know what to expect. I've been trying to keep up with my daily blood glucose logs like they've asked me to. Some days all of my readings are normal. Others they're really high. And then there are days where all but one are normal or vice versa. There's just no consistency despite my diet restrictions. I will provide an update next week to let everyone know what the treatment plan will be. 

And finally, the title of my post is in reference to my sweet cat, Heyward. He is going to be a wonderful "big brother" to baby bear and Taylor and I felt he deserved to be included in my weekly photo this week. 

How far along: 30 weeks
Trimester: Third
Pre-pregnancy weight: 141 pounds
Current weight: 136 pounds
Maternity clothes: Yup, no point in even trying to wear anything that isn't made for moms-to-be.
Sleep: I wake up a few times per night. Definitely noticing the fatigue coming back though.
Stretch marks: I don't think anything has popped up, but I also can't get a good look at my rear.
Best moment of the week: Placing the order for the rest of the furniture!
Movement: Always moving. In fact, some of the movements are painful now. And baby gets hiccups a lot!
Food Cravings: Regular Coke,  subs on white bread, and peanut butter. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Hmm. I don't know why but I have felt pretty nauseous the past two nights. I hope it's not coming back for the remainder of this trimester...
Miss anything? Not really.
Other symptoms: Heartburn, thoracic back pain is happening a little more frequently now, shortness of breath.  
Have you started to show yet? Yes.
Sex: It will be a surprise.
Labor Signs: None.
Belly button in or out? Out. 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Moody or not moody? Happy. 
Looking forward to: Going to see Breaking Dawn: Part 2 this weekend. Terrible books, but I got sucked in anyway. Lol.

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