Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Less than a week left

You read that right. Though my due date is January 20, we will be meeting baby bear about a week sooner. I had my final OB appointment on 1/7. The NST showed contractions and lots of movement again. I'm still not dilated or effaced and my cervix has not started softening. Last week Dr. Fogle agreed with the plan to induce early. Dr. Nix gave the green light to book the induction during my appointment on Monday. Though she won't be the one delivering baby bear, I think it will all work out just fine, as long as I get a doctor and not a midwife. I will be admitted to Northside Atlanta on Sunday evening for Cervidil placement. I will start getting Pitocin early Monday morning. If everything goes the way it should we should have a baby by Monday night. I am excited to meet baby bear but I'm also afraid of the whole labor process. Pretty normal feelings, from what I've heard. It seems so odd that we will finally get to hold and care for this little person who has been developing inside of me for the past 9-10 months. I'm really anxious for Sunday to get here but at the same time I'm trying really hard to enjoy life with just Taylor and our kitty. It won't be the three of us after Sunday. We'll be a family of four.

His new favorite hiding place - the blanket drawer under the crib.

The fluid retention in my feet, ankles, and legs is ridonkulous! I've had to rearrange my desk at work so I can prop my feet up on another chair and hold the keyboard in my lap to do my work. Anything to reduce the swelling! The only shoes I can fit into are my cowboy boots (barely) and my athletic shoes. Speaking of athletic shoes, I officially received my "push presents" - even thought I technically haven't pushed yet.
Here's a photo of one of them - Asic Nimbus-14's! I am in LOVE with them.

My other present is a new phone! We had both been using iPhone 3GS's for the past three years. Taylor's screen was cracked and the vibrate option on mine sounded like someone was getting tazered any time I received a call, text, or e-mail. Now we both have shiny, new iPhone 4S's. I'm amazed at how much faster I can do things now that I have an up-to-date phone.

By the way, y'all, I haven't mentioned what a lucky wife I am. Just the other night as I was struggling to get into bed (as I do every night) he mentioned that our bed has a 400 pound weight limit and that we were quickly approaching it. What a guy, eh? I kid, I kid. (But that conversation really did happen.) My sweet husband takes very good care of me and I am so grateful to have him by my side. He is beyond excited to be a dad and I can't imagine raising a baby with a better person. I already know that he will excel at fatherhood and be the most loving dad to baby bear. He's already the most loving, supportive husband so I have no doubt in my mind that he will make the greatest dad. I can't wait to see him holding our sweet bundle of joy. Love you, babe!

This past Saturday my brother-in-law and sister-in-law had a gender reveal party for their baby, who is due in May. The ultrasound tech printed the ultrasound image and sealed it in an envelope and they took the envelope to Publix to have a cake made with either pink or blue icing in the middle. Here's the result:

It's a girl!

Remember baby Hope who was born a mere five weeks ago? She was at the party, too! She was wearing the onesie we had made for her and it was so adorable!

In other exciting news I found out my breast pump will be 100% covered by our insurance plan! Thankfully it was because I discovered an article on The Stir last week (click here to access it.) Say what you will about the affordable care act (I have a few choice thoughts about it myself), but the fact that insurance companies now have to cover them, whether you choose to buy or rent, is AWESOME. And, it's a breast pump of your choice - not some shoddy, low-end model. If I'd had to get one prior to 1/1/13 it would not have been covered by our plan at all. The only reason I know that it wasn't covered before is because in October I was looking up what was covered for my gestational diabetes equipment and care and happened to see that breast pumps were an exclusion to the "durable medical equipment" policy. It is definitely worth calling your insurance company to see if your policy covers this.

Sunday afternoon we had a maternity session. My friend Brittany McGowan volunteered to take our photos and she did an AMAZING job!  I am so excited to have these pictures!
Here are a few of my favorite ones:

I just love these! Can't wait to get a few framed.

Weekly photo:

How far along: 38 weeks
Trimester: Third
Pre-pregnancy weight: 141 pounds
Current weight: 148 pounds 
Maternity clothes: Yes. Otherwise it doesn't fit.
Stretch marks: It seems that I have a few in/around my belly button.
Best moment of the week: Being able to book the induction date.
Movement: It has slowed down, but I'm still feeling the 10 kicks per hour two hours after meals. Plus the most movement occurs at night - it's got days and nights mixed up!
Food Cravings: Chicken nuggets from McD's, chocolate milk, cinnamon rolls, a biscuit from Guy's Biscuit Barn with lots of butter and grape jelly, and coke.  
Anything making you queasy or sick? No. 
Miss anything? Going to repeat the last two week's response: being able to sleep comfortably.
Other symptoms: Frequent bathroom breaks, ankle/leg swelling almost every day, practice contractions, extreme fatigue, and shortness of breath.  
Have you started to show yet? Yes.
Sex: We will find out on Monday.
Labor Signs: NST showed contractions again, and I've been noticing them more on my own. 
Belly button in or out? I don't think I have a belly button anymore.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Moody or not moody? Moody.
Looking forward to: We moved our Scalini's date to Friday - looking forward to that! Also looking forward to finally meeting the baby!

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