Friday, December 21, 2012

Important news

We had our weekly perinatal appointment at the hospital yesterday. This was the first time Taylor got to meet Dr. Fogle. 
They didn't take many body or head measurements of baby bear, so I'm not sure what his/her weight is this week. Also, some of the glucose readings are a little high, so I need to start walking after meals if I can. The doctor focused a lot on the amniotic fluid level measurements this week. It seems that this week they are measuring low. She asked about my blood pressure. I told her up until last week it was 100/60 at every visit since May. As of last week it's been 120/80 - which is not high (it's normal) but she was a little concerned that it starting to climb. Plus I have fluid retention in my cankles ankles. I was advised to increase my fluid intake (no idea how to do that since I drink water like crazy already!) and I need to start counting fetal movement two hours after dinner. I should feel ten in an hour. I also need to start looking out for signs of labor, bleeding, and leaking amniotic fluid. 

Out of curiosity I asked what would happen if I continue to have low amniotic levels and she told me they would try to wait until 37 weeks and then induce me then. 

I'm not sure if any of you realize this, but I will reach  37 weeks exactly on December 30th. That date is only nine days from now. Nine. NINE.  NINE!!  LESS THAN TEN!

So, naturally, I feel completely ill-prepared. I have GOT to make sure we:

-Install the car seat base
-Move the furniture to its permanent place in the baby's room
-Buy diapers and wipes
-Buy an Arm & Hammer diaper pail
-Buy more onesies and footed outfits for 0 - 3 months
-Buy a bottle drying rack and more bottles
-Buy a Rock N' Play (hello, consignment stores!)
-Buy Dreft to wash all of the baby's items
-Buy crib and play yard sheets, as well as waterproof mattress pads for both
-Buy a changing pad and cover
-Unload the books from their boxes and organize the bookcase

And if there's enough time I need to:
-Buy a rug
-Buy a floor lamp
-Buy a small table lamp for the changing table
-Buy the decorative organization baskets for the bookcase and changing table
-Buy/order the photographs to hang
-Buy the supplies from Hobby Lobby for our small crafty project

I'm sure I'm leaving a ton of stuff off of that list. Like picking a name. We have narrowed it down (again) but will share for sure once we're certain.

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers! Luckily, we both have 10 days of vacation starting tomorrow. And hopefully we'll know more next week - I have my NST and regular OB appointment on Wednesday and my perinatal appointment on Friday.

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