Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I don't have a ton of information to report this week. Not because anything bad happened - just because everything's remaining steady and smooth, so far.

I had my second NST and visit with my regular OB on Monday. No contractions this time, and the baby was moving around just fine. The heartbeat stayed in the 140's, mostly...unless it flipped around a lot - it would jump up between the 160's and 190's! If you look closely at the photo you can see the lines going crazy - that was during one of the times when the baby was flipping around.

The car seat adapter for the stroller arrived on Monday. Thank goodness I have a patient husband. I had convinced myself that Babies-R-Us had sent us the wrong adapter and was getting really upset. Why did I think that? Because I'm a woman and when something doesn't fit the way I think it should (or if I can't figure something out) I automatically assume  it's wrong no matter what. Long story short, Taylor got the adapter to fit no problem. 

We went to Wal-Mart on Friday and found a really cute giraffe print head/body support to go in the car seat. I love it!

We organized the baby's room for now. The closet is cleared out! The furniture is not where it needs to be yet and I'm hoping we can get that moved around on Sunday. I'm also planning on buying my first bottle of Dreft and washing all the clothes and blankets and towels we've gotten so far. My mom brought over a lot of my childhood books, so it will be nice to put those away, too. We loaded the bookcase with all of our stuffed giraffes and giraffe figurines for now, just so they're all in one place before we start really decorating.

And finally, we will be using this little guy in a craft for the baby's room! Stay tuned to find out what it is.

Weekly photo: 

How far along: 35 weeks
Trimester: Third
Pre-pregnancy weight: 141 pounds
Current weight: 142 pounds - I have officially gained a pound! 
Maternity clothes: Yes
Stretch marks: Nothing new this week.
Best moment of the week: A few so far! Getting the stroller adapter, going Christmas shopping with Taylor, and buying egg nog and Christmas Captain Crunch.
Movement: Yes, and s/he is running out of room!
Food Cravings: Captain Crunch, regular coke, pizza, Reese's peanut butter cups, and Sister Schubert's yeast rolls with ham and horseradish sauce.  
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not this week, though I did make some homemade bang bang shrimp last Wednesday and it made me sick. Not eating that again any time soon. 
Miss anything? Hmmm. . . I do miss raw sushi and coffee.
Other symptoms: Uhh did I mention that I officially have cankles?! Well, I do. They made their debut last Thursday evening. I was shaving my legs in the shower when I noticed them and they stayed through Saturday. Disappeared until yesterday and now they are back. I suppose I should get used to them - they are here to stay, I'm sure. Also having shortness of breath (still) and heartburn. Oh, and really frequent urination. And the back/hip pain is persistent again since I stopped seeing the chiropractor.  
Have you started to show yet? Yes.
Sex: It will be a surprise.
Labor Signs: Still trying to figure out what a contraction is supposed to feel like. I'm pretty sure I nailed one last night. 
Belly button in or out? Outie. It's interesting looking.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Moody or not moody? Not moody. Just don't try to argue with me. 
Looking forward to: Taylor gets to go to the perinatologist appointment with me tomorrow. And tomorrow night we are going to his brother's house for a white elephant gift exchange party. It should be lots of fun! AND CHRISTMAS! It's coming up in less than a week! Saturday we are having early celebrations with Taylor's mom and siblings. Monday/Tuesday my family is coming to our house for Christmas celebrations. Next Thursday I get to see my BFF for the first time in four years! THAT is a huge deal!

1 comment:

  1. A contraction for me felt like a really strong period cramp. But since you're pregnant it literally goes across your entire belly. Mine started at the top of my belly and worked down but I think it can feel a little different to some. It came on like a wave and then would go away after a minute or so. You're getting so close!!
