Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sugar actually isn't my friend

Lots of changes coming up for me! Most notably, my diet. There is a possibility that I may have gestational diabetes. I'll be going back to the doctor Friday and will find out early next week.
I had my oral glucose screening on Monday...and on Tuesday I got the call that I need to come back in for the three hour test. 
According to WebMD:

"A blood sugar level greater than or equal to 140mg/dL is recognized as abnormal. If your results are abnormal based on the oral glucose tolerance test, another test will be given after fasting for several hours."

My blood sugar level was 164mg/dL. A little I get to go in and get pricked four times over the course of three hours after NOT eating for twelve hours and then chugging 100g of that lovely orange drink. I only had to drink 50g on Monday and I only got poked one time. Bummer!

BY THE WAY, the drink really wasn't that bad. The last gulp was the worst. Ugh.

Please pray that I don't have gestational DM. And please pray that I have the self control to correct my diet. I know how to eat well. I know what's good and bad for my body. Unfortunately, I chose to ignore it and this is more or less a wake up call to patch up my diet going forward. 

I gained two pounds since my last visit. It's ALL BABY, though, because the baby is currently weighing in at 1 pound and 11 ounces. That's almost two pounds! The ultrasound tech told us the baby should be around two pounds at my 28 week appointment. I won't have an ultrasound then since I've been cleared as "normal" for my cervical length measurements. On one hand, HOORAY, no more probing! But on the other, I'm bummed because I liked getting to see baby bear every four weeks. (Side note: when we saw baby bear this week we could see him/her swallowing amniotic fluid! It was really neat!)

I was also cleared to go to the chiropractor. I made an appointment at Windward Chiropractic Center next Tuesday since the doctor specializes in prenatal patients. I am a little worried (imagine that) but also anxious to see if he can help alleviate this nagging pain. I'm sure my co-workers and Taylor are sick of hearing me complain about my back and hip pain.

Last week I invested in a pair of stretchy maternity jeans, or as I like to call them, Thanksgiving pants. I had a 30% off coupon for Old Navy so I took a gamble and ordered them online without trying them on. It's their newest style - the demi panel. The pants look tight fitting but they're very stretchy and they have this fantastic, thick band around the waist. I honestly don't know if I can go back to my regular jeans after buying these! No buttons, snaps, or full panel band to worry about. 

Click here to see these awesome jeans.

We received the sweetest gift from my step-aunt, Holly. She sent us a giraffe noise machine for the crib, two sets of OSU pacifiers, and a set of giraffe printed socks. SO adorable!!

Also, the crib is ordered! Taylor's mom graciously offered to buy the crib, so all we have to do is buy the other matching pieces of furniture for the room. I'm so excited! Here's a stock photo of the furniture we decided on:

I believe the plan is to paint the baby's room this weekend. I'll be sure to take photos before and after!

Weekly photo:

How far along: 25 weeks
Trimester: Second
Total weight gain/loss: I gained two pounds since my last appointment so this puts me at negative eight pounds since I found out I was pregnant. Progress!
Maternity clothes: Yes, love my new jeans.
Sleep: Depends on my back pain.
Stretch marks: Nothing new. I've been using lotion and Save My Skin.
Best moment of the week: Getting to see the baby on an ultrasound.
Movement: Yes, I could spend hours watching my stomach move.
Food Cravings: Lots, but now trying really hard not to indulge.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not lately...
Miss anything? I do miss not having back pain.
Other symptoms: No new ones.
Have you started to show yet? Yes.
Sex: It will be a surprise.
Labor Signs: None.
Belly button in or out? In and very stretched. I give it less than two weeks before it pops out.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Moody or not moody? Moody - actually experiencing a bit of anxiety when I think about delivery. Is that normal? 
Looking forward to: Finally starting on the nursery!

1 comment:

  1. Feeling anxious is totally normal...I felt it often. I worried about getting epidural, whether or not I would tear or have to have an episiotomy the list goes on...Of course I even worried about how our cats were going to react to the new addition. All of that is normal apparently.
