Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Can't stop eating

All I've wanted to do for the past few days is eat everything in sight. I can't help it. I don't know whats gotten into me. I want cheesecake, Big Macs, sushi, Holy Shiitake pie from Mellow Mushroom, waffle fries, party potatoes, green bean casserole, fried green tomatoes, Butterfingers, carrots and ranch dressing.... I could go on and on. And now I'm starving after typing all of that out. 

This past weekend we took a trip to Target and I bought a belly band! Up until now I've been using a hair tie to keep my jeans up. It wasn't comfortable at all. And it looked ridiculous. But now I can brag that I can still wear my size two pants while 24 weeks pregnant. Keep in mind I can't button or zip them...but I can still fit my bum and thighs into them and that's all that matters!
I also bought my own Boppy pregnancy pillow. I LOVE IT! It really does help me sleep better at night. And the cat loves to wedge himself between me and the pillow - extra snuggles!
Also bought a bunch of longer tank tops. On Sunday morning I discovered that all of my tank tops are waaaay too short now since my stomach has grown. So I treated myself to some new ones. One can never ever have too many tank tops, in my opinion.
While we were there we went up and down all of the baby aisles. I FINALLY found the perfect gender neutral high chair AND swing with giraffes on them! As soon as we got home I pulled up both my Babies-R-Us and Target registries online and removed the ones I had settled on before and added the ones we found in Target. All in all it was a very successful trip to Target.

Belly band!


Heyward loves my Boppy. And so do I.

Our next baby appointment is Monday. It will finally be the day for the dreaded glucose test. I get to drink this lovely bottle of orange sugary sweet stuff. Hurl. I am going to insist on a delicious lunch after that visit. But on the bright side we'll get to hear his or her heartbeat and I get another ultrasound! Prayers for a good report!

"Wow, that looks so refreshing!" said no one ever.

My mom and my mother-in-law, Jody, are throwing me two different baby showers in November. The one my mom is throwing will be all ladies and the one Jody is throwing will be a couple's shower. Mom sent her invites out last Friday and from what I've heard everyone has been getting them. If I asked for your address but you didn't get one it's probably because you're on Jody's list. Those invitations haven't gone out yet, so hang tight! I've never had any kind of shower or party given in my honor before so I'm really excited about both of them. I think I mentioned my love for parties in my last post.

Taylor and I tentatively discussed holiday plans. (I love planning.) I'm lucky because I work for a company that closes the week between Christmas and New Year's, so I automatically get a ton of time off. This year I am off from December 22 - January 2. We will spend Thanksgiving with Jody in Locust Grove and for Christmas it is my parents' year to have us. We are going to ask my mom, dad, and sister to come to our house and church this year. And, on December 27 I am meeting my best friend in Macon! I haven't seen her since I helped her move to CO in January of 2009 so this is WAY long overdue.

Weekly photo:

How far along: 24 weeks
Trimester: Second
Total weight gain/loss: According to the scale in our office I have gained three pounds - will confirm this on Monday!
Maternity clothes: Yes. Belly band! And I ordered a pair of maternity jeans from Old Navy. :)
Sleep: Lovely with my Boppy!
Stretch marks: Nothing new. I've been using lotion and Save My Skin.
Best moment of the week: I really loved going to Target. A LOT!
Movement: Lots! Baby loves my bladder already.
Food Cravings: Ha, see my first paragraph.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not lately...
Miss anything? No.
Other symptoms: Still back pain. Going to ask the doc about seeing a chiropractor,
Have you started to show yet? Yes.
Sex: It will be a surprise.
Labor Signs: None.
Belly button in or out? In, but I have a feeling it will disappear soon.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Moody or not moody? Not.  
Looking forward to: Taylor is out of town again, so I look forward to his return and our date night Friday! AND the appointment Monday!

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