Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What's in a name?

Names. Everyone wants to know if we have names picked out. The answer is...sort of. We have a list of boy names and a list of girl names, some we like more than others. Picking a name for your baby is a huge deal! I mean, you could scar your child for life with a bad name (like these winners in Alaska.) We don't want to use a particularly common or popular name, but we will be using at least one family name for each gender.

Friday night we registered at Babies R Us. It was fun using that little scanner gun on everything. There was a TON of giraffe stuff! I was feeling fine up until we got around to the bottles, nursing, bibs and pacifier sections. Talk about overwhelming. There are so many different features and brands, it's impossible to know what to get. Some people tell you to get one brand and avoid another, yet the next friend you chat with will say the opposite. After a few days of mulling it over I just decided to register for two or three different brands. Still holding out on adding a breast pump. I have one pretty much picked out, but do any of you have any suggestions?

I FINALLY got to park here!

This past weekend we decided to join a church - Roswell United Methodist Church. It's only 1.5 miles from our house, it's a larger church family, and I've already been invited to join the church choir. All big pluses for us! We are excited to be members and get the chance to have baby bear baptized in a church that we belong to.

Last Friday I had my 20 week check up. I had another cervical length check (normal) which meant we got to see how big baby bear has gotten via ultrasound. We got to see legs, arms, hands, feet (waaaay up over his or her head!), ribs, head, and all four chambers of his or her heart. The tech was kind enough to not go near its private parts so we're still in the dark regarding gender so STOP ASKING when we're finding out. We're not finding out until he or she is born.
I still have not gained any weight back at all. I asked the doctor about it and she said if I'm concerned I can start drinking Ensure or Boost in addition to eating four to six small meals each day, but that they really won't worry about it unless I still haven't gained any by my next appointment in October. The baby was measuring just fine so that's why she wasn't too worried. I have to admit that I'm slightly annoyed that most baby websites and books (and my What to Expect app) put so much emphasis on healthy weight gain because apparently there's a huge epidemic of pregnant moms putting on way too much weight nowadays. I fully understand that the average goal is about a pound a week during the second trimester. I get constant reminders about how I shouldn't take the phrase "eating for two" literally. The daily facts on my app hammer this home two or three times per week. But none of these informative sources talk about what to do (or when to be concerned or talk to a doctor) if you haven't put any weight on at all. Not everyone gains weight so quickly. So I worry. I'm not purposely not gaining weight, which is what people tend to assume. I hate getting that question, by the way. It's awkward, plus you wouldn't just ask a non-pregnant person about how much weight they've put on. I haven't changed my eating habits, aside from breaking three meals a day into four to six smaller meals. So I guess I'll just do what my doctor suggested and add some Boost or Ensure to my diet. And I'll quit being so grumpy.


Tonight my mom came over and we picked out the invitations for my baby shower. It's giraffe themed, of course. I can't wait to see the final mark-up! I'm currently working on collecting everyone's address so we can mail them out within the next two weeks. I'm so excited!

Weekly photo:

It says Mom's cravings: spring rolls, green olives, cheese, Butterfingers, Cap'n Crunch, Rainbow chip icing

How far along: 21 weeks
Trimester: Second
Total weight gain/loss: Still down ten pounds.
Maternity clothes: Yes.
Sleep: Great!
Stretch marks: Yup.
Best moment of the week: Getting new ultrasound photos! 
Movement: Constant!
Food Cravings: See my weekly photo. Lol.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Same answer as last week.
Miss anything? I miss not having back pain.
Other symptoms: Yeah, some that aren't so pleasant. I won't relive them here.
Have you started to show yet? Yes.
Gender: Won't know til delivery.
Labor Signs: None.
Belly button in or out? In, but it'll definitely turn into an outie.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Moody or not moody? Both. Lol.  
Looking forward to: Taylor comes home from his business trip tomorrow!

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