Wednesday, January 29, 2014

One year old

(I won't make this post too long since I have so many photos to add.)

Harper Adelle Roberts was born at 12:15 PM on January 14, 2013. She was a tiny, crying, sleeping, breastfeeding little thing a year ago. Now she's a babbling, walking, feed-herself, smiling, HAPPY little girl! And I couldn't be more pleased.
My little bear is quite possibly the most beautiful, sweetest, silliest girl I've ever met. She's completely captured my heart and I feel so lucky to get to be her mother. I honestly can't remember if I've shared this before, but she and I share a middle name - a name that goes back seven generations on my mom's side of the family. To me, it means we have a special bond.
On Saturday, the 11th, we threw her a birthday party. So many people came to celebrate! And yeah, I totally ate my words. I've always laughed at parents who throw a big first birthday party because its not as though they're going to remember it. But hey. I became one of those parents and I'm not sorry. Her birthday theme was rainbows and unicorns. My employers were sweet enough to allow us to use the spacious cafeteria downstairs for her party. It was perfect!

Unfortunately, she developed a high fever (104.1!) and ended up with a viral upper respiratory infection plus a double ear infection the day after her party. She was sick on her birthday, poor thing, but she was totally better by the 15th.

Here is her invitation. I designed it through a seller on Etsy.

And here are some photos of her party. :)

(I made these! Unicorn poop cookies.)

Smash cake on the plate everyone signed at my baby shower.

If you made it this far, please enjoy this short clip all the way from the newest princesses at Disney World. I'm sure Harper will love seeing this when she's older!

I just want to say THANK YOU again to everyone who was able to come and celebrate! Thank you cards still have not been written, but they will be. . . soon. . . maybe. Ha.

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