Tuesday, December 31, 2013

So long, 2013. We're ready for a prosperous 2014!

Here it is, the end of 2013. (I won't make this a long blog post, I promise.)
2013 was a bittersweet year. It was incredible in that my sweet Harper Adelle was born. It was heart wrenching in that there was so much loss. Jobs, loved ones, beloved pets. . .the list goes on.

I was just looking through the photos I've posted throughout 2013, mostly on Facebook. All wonderful moments captured, of course. We took a few trips, fixed up our backyard (which is lush and green; a sight I never thought we'd see!), and had a busy, yet perfect holiday season. I had (have?) the great fortune of not only being raised by two awesome parents but I married into a really cool, fun family. This makes all the difference in holiday and family gatherings. I'm so thankful that Harper will be growing up with a strong sense of family and love.

Tonight we are leaving her at home with my mother-in-law. Taylor and I will be in a private box in Atlanta at the Widespread Panic concert at Philips Arena with some good friends. (That was a lot of prepositions for one sentence.) I can't think of a better way to ring in the new year. We get to dress up, eat delicious food, and party all night long. Okay, that's a bit of a lie. Hanging out with our almost one-year old would be pretty freaking fantastic too. But mama and daddy need alone time sometimes. Its been almost six months since we've spent a night apart from the baby. I know she's in great hands - her own grandmother, who also happens to be a nurse! So we can rest easy (in our swanky hotel room) and relax and enjoy each other and good music. That's not to say I won't miss her. Its only natural.

By the way, Harper turns one in exactly two weeks. Its so odd to think at this time last year she was still in my tummy and we hadn't even met her yet. We really lucked out in the baby department. Yes, the first few months were really hard. REALLY hard. Having a baby is a huge adjustment. After all, this is our first time being parents and her first time being a baby. But she is beautiful. She is healthy. She makes me laugh every day. She is SO HAPPY all of the time. She completes me.

Happy NYE, everyone. Stay safe and I hope you all have a happy, joyous new year!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it insane how quickly time passes? Sometimes it's so hard for me to remember being pregnant and I love being pregnant. Are people asking you when you're having #2 yet?? Love those family pics!!!
